My work explores a collaboration with uncertainty, and the power of ambiguity. To accomplish this I push the limits of both myself and the materials I interact with toward an expression of the moment.
Wood Fired Work

About the Artist
My work explores a collaboration with uncertainty, and the power of ambiguity. To accomplish this I push the limits of both myself and the materials I interact with toward an expression of the moment.
The things that our universe is comprised of are more than just objects, they are containers for stories that document their paths. Whether massive or microscopic, ephemeral or eternal, everything has a story that features unique impressions from its beginning to end. To observe and acknowledge these impressions and scars is to appreciate the beauty of something's existence, no matter how brief.
The scars, infinite and beautiful, have led us to where we currently are. Scars are indifferent, they represent nothing more than change until we introduce our own emotions, and it is that beautiful indifference I have chosen to pursue. To create work with varying histories waiting to be discovered.